以下是Enterprise Florida,Inc。(EFI)所规定的赠款标准(标准),申请人必须符合授予目标部门贸易展会赠款(贸易赠款),以及授予接受者的公司条款和条件必须遵守。Enterprise Florida预计这将是至少在2021年6月30日的临时计划。


  1. 申请人必须位于佛罗里达州,并注册为有源公司,与佛罗里达州的公司部门www.sunbiz.org.
  2. 必须在业务中至少两(2)年。
  3. 必须是一个小企业(雇用1-500名员工)。
  4. 产品必须在佛罗里达州的状态下生产。必须从佛罗里达州提供服务。
  5. Must have a commercial operation that consists of either an office, office/warehouse, or manufacturing facility.
  6. Product line or service must be considered viable in the target market, as determined by EFI. Services providers must be in one of这些批准的目标部门
  7. Applicant MUST be at least one of the following for non-EFI conducted trade events:
    1. 导出新增功能(从未导出)
    2. 新来显示或尚未在过去三(3)年内的同一节目中或未参加同一展
    3. 第二年参与者(一家公司“新的贸易展示”上一年)
  8. Only major trade exhibitions with an international focus approved by Enterprise Florida will be eligible.
  9. 国际贸易展览应在美国以外举行,包括英联邦和领土。对于国内贸易展,(a)国际访客和/或参展商的最低百分比应至少为75%,(b)贸易展必须位于佛罗里达州。
  10. Applicants may be awarded atotal of four trade grants从7月1日至6月30日,根据行业活动或活动的完成日期,如果不是交易活动。终身限制:每家公司只有一个出口营销计划,每家公司只有两个网站本地化拨款,而不是在同一财政年度。
  11. 其他限制和例外情况可能适用于企业佛罗里达州的自由裁量权。


  1. Submission Process:申请人必须从EFI在线授权请求Application (“application”) and submit all required documentation at least two weeks prior to the start of the international trade event.Grants must be approved prior to the first day of the trade show or they will not be considered. No exceptions.
  2. Required Documents:在线申请流程期间将需要以下文件:(a)公司登记证明与佛罗里达州的公司www.sunbiz.org.;(b)当前IRS W-9表格;(c)事件登记证明,包括基本交钥匙展位包的成本,以及(d)付款证明。
  3. Evaluation Process: Enterprise Florida staff will review all applications and make a determination regarding the applicant’s eligibility and grant award amounts within ten (10) days of receipt of application.
  4. 报销金额:对于有500名员工或更少的合格公司,赠款以75%的报销形式授予eligible turnkey booth expensesup to a maximum of $7,500.
  5. Eligible Expenses:仅涵盖符合条件的贸易展览费用。例子包括,但不限于:贸易展会注册;未加工的展位空间;租用家具和配件(椅子,桌子,信息计数器,搁架等);面板图形;地板;电线;灯光;租用视听设备和Wi-Fi服务。与旅行有关的费用; accommodations; shipping/freight; personnel; lead generation; direct mail campaigns, booth security, etc. do not qualify for reimbursement.For a complete listing of reimbursable expenses,点击这里。其他限制和例外可由企业佛罗里达州自行决定申请。
  6. 支付资金:授予者将被要求提交以下内容,以便收到报销:(1)向EFI发票于赠款批准电子邮件中规定的赠款奖金金额。奖励数字是暂定的,可以根据展位费用的最终文件进行调整;(2)明确展示费用付款的收据,(3)完成和签署显示后的“出口销售报告”。在EFI收到所需文件之后,将在一笔付款中向偿还人进行报销。
  7. Reporting of Export Sales:每个授予收件人必须提交佛罗里达官方企业“Export Sales Report“,将由EFI提供。该报告收集有关活动期间实际销售的信息,并在未来二十四(24)个月内的预期销售额。
  8. 不合规:如果贸易委员会在贸易展结束结束后三十(30)日历日内未提交发票,收货和出口销售报告,则企业佛罗里达保留未经报销取消本协议的权利。如果企业佛罗里达州的申请表中提供的任何信息都是假的,如果尚未支付,企业佛罗里达有权取消报销,或要求偿还已支付的资金。


  1. 授予者不得分配本协议。本协议应当捆绑继承人,继承人和允许各方分配。
  2. 由于(i)授予者的故意不当行为或巨大的疏忽,可能会出现终止原因;或(ii)被授予者有意识地无视其在此司法或其他职责中的义务;或(iii)故意未能及时生产所需的可交付成果。
  3. 如果原因终止,EFI对受让人的唯一义务和责任(如果有的话)应予以支付终止日期之前产生的一部分费用。
  4. 在本协议下的最终付款或在此处接受最终付款的接受,应由受让人从任何和所有索赔,要求以及行动的所有索赔,需求和行动课程完全完整地发布EFI,任何授权人都可能对EFI抵御。
  5. Grantee shall (i) comply with all relevant federal, state and local laws designed to prevent discrimination so that Grantee does not discriminate against any person who performs work hereunder because of race, religion, color, sex, physical handicap unrelated to such person’s ability to engage in this work, national origin or ancestry, or age; (ii) include in all solicitations or advertisements for employees the phrase “Equal Opportunity Employer”; (iii) if applicable, comply with any and all federal, state or local reporting requirements; and (iv) be declared in default of this Agreement if it fails to comply with any such reporting requirements of (iii) above or if Grantee is found guilty of any violation of any of the foregoing laws.
  6. To the extent required by Florida Statutes §287.134(3)(a) and EFI’s contract with the Governor’s Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) Grantee acknowledges notice of the requirements of Florida Statutes §287.134(2)(b). To Grantee’s knowledge, it has not been placed on the discriminatory vendor list described by Florida Statutes §287.134.
  7. To the extent required by Florida Statutes §287.133 (2)(a) and EFI’s contract with DEO, Grantee affirms that it is aware of the provisions of Florida Statutes §287.133(2)(b). Grantee affirms that at no time has it been convicted of a Public Entity Crime and agrees that any such conviction during the term of this Agreement may result in termination of this Agreement.
  8. 受让人应保留并保持所有记录,并根据要求提供审计的这些记录。此类记录应由受让人保留在本合同终止后的最低七(7)年。记录应始终受到审核师范大部委员,财务服务部,总检察机关部,总检察办公室,办公室的办公室,或者授权记录副本的其他人员的审查,审查或审核根据要求交付给DEO。
  9. Pursuant to its contract with DEO, EFI’s obligation to pay under this Agreement is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature of the State of Florida and DEO’s funding obligations to EFI. Within 30 days of its awareness of such, EFI will notify Grantee if there will be a shortfall in funding which will impact payment of this Agreement.
  10. 本协议的条款和规定构成了缔约方与本协议主题的缔约方之间的全部协议,并在与此类主题相关的各方之间取代所有以前的通信,陈述或协议,无论是口头还是书面。除非以书面形式提出并由缔约方签署,否则本协议的变更或修改将有效。
  11. 本协议执行并进入佛罗里达州的州,并根据佛罗里达州州的法律和规则在各方面解释,执行和执行。根据本协议所产生的任何诉讼,都应在佛罗里达州奥兰古县的适当法庭上提起,应用佛罗里达法。
  12. 如果此协议的任何条款被视为无效,则应考虑从此处删除,不得使剩余条款无效。关于本协议的所有问题以及各方的权利和负债,受佛罗里达州州的法律管辖。
  13. In any action to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees and costs as deemed just and proper.
  14. 受让人不得使用根据本协议向佛罗里达立法机构,佛罗里达司法分支机构或任何州代理机构进行游览的任何资金。
  15. 根据与州长经济机会(DEO)的合同,须遵守第119章(F.S.)EFI的规定,可能需要公开获得由其制定,开发或收到的材料。如果要求,受让人应在允许公共获取方面与EFI合作。
  16. Pursuant to its contract with DEO, EFI requires Grantee to report on the use of women or minority owned businesses. This report will be in a form provided by EFI and must be submitted with the final payment request.