


Opportunities for Florida Companies

Geographically, Florida is the closest U.S. state to Africa and Florida’s international trade infrastructure (seaports, airports, freight forwarders & customs brokers, experienced exporters to other parts of the developing world, ease of doing business in Florida) makes this state the most logical partner for trade between Africa and the Western Hemisphere.

Many African markets offer attractive opportunities for Florida’s small and medium-sized enterprises who stand to secure the most suitable opportunities and partnerships with the help of Enterprise Florida. Through its Africa Trade Expansion Program and its office in South Africa, Enterprise Florida is able to support Florida companies looking for access to African markets by offering:

  • 出口咨询- 非洲贸易专家以及企业佛罗里达州南非代表可以提供咨询,其中包括市场研究的援助,为您的产品或服务选择目标市场,确定市场机会,了解私人和公共部门前景的采购政策,监管和遵守问题和更多。
  • 教育活动- 与特定非洲国家开展业务的国家教育圆桌会议,研讨会和研讨会。
  • Overseas Trade Missions- 企业佛罗里达州将介绍佛罗里达州公司和个人的代表团到非洲的各国,以获得一对一的商业竞争会议和贸易发展。
  • International Trade Shows- 我们的贸易专家可以帮助识别和促进非洲国际贸易展的参与,帮助佛罗里达州公司在这些市场上展示其产品和服务。
  • 目标部门贸易展会补助金– Qualified companies can apply for a grant to help further their entry into African markets at overseas trade shows. These event-specific grants cover 50% of the cost of a trade show booth on a reimbursable basis.
  • 金钥匙/媒人拨款- 新的或不常见的出口商可以在非洲的预先筛选的买家,销售代表和业务合作伙伴与金钥匙/媒人服务有兴趣。可偿还的赠款可用于涵盖服务的整个费用。
  • In-Country Support- 佛罗里达州南非的代表以及一支贸易顾问团队的代表均位于南非,毛里求斯,肯尼亚,坦桑尼亚和加纳。这种在国内,多语言网络可以提供特定的代理/分销商搜索,市场研究和在以下国家的展览会和展览中提供:
    • 南部非洲:安哥拉,博茨瓦纳,刚果博士,莱索托,马拉维,莫桑比克,纳米比亚,团聚,圣赫勒拿,南非,斯威士兰,赞比亚,津巴布韦
    • 印度洋:科摩罗,马达加斯加,毛里求斯,Mosotte,雷尼昂,塞舌尔
    • 东非:埃塞俄比亚,肯尼亚,卢旺达,坦桑尼亚,乌干达
    • 西非:加纳
