
塔拉哈西,弗拉。(2018年9月20日) -MLMC佛罗里达(MLMC)是一家专业从事替代燃料技术的制造公司,将在植物城市开设新设施,创造45个工作岗位。新工作将履行各种功能,包括生产,销售和物流。


Jim LaDue, Chief Operating Officer at MLMC Florida, said, “As we were planning our market entry, we were targeting the Midwest and Southeast, but most importantly, we were looking for a community that was business friendly and had the workforce we needed to succeed. Hillsborough County and Plant City stood out to us, and we’re confident we made the right decision.”


佛罗里达州企业副主席Joe York表示,“今天的宣布证明,佛罗里达州是清洁技术业务的最佳位置。EFI很高兴欢迎MLMC到佛罗里达州,我们期待着他们的成功。“

有娘娘腔的学监,佛罗里达的执行主任Department of Economic Opportunity, said, “MLMC Florida’s decision to open a new manufacturing facility in our state proves that Florida’s commitment to developing a competitive business environment and a talented workforce, specifically for manufacturers, is working. We are proud to have companies like MLMC Florida move to our state and create jobs for hardworking Florida families.”

Sandra Murman县委员委员委员委员会主席表示,“制造厂在Hillsborough县历史悠久,并继续成为我们的重点。我们感谢MLMC佛罗里达州为他们的扩张选择Hillsborough County,以及他们将为当地居民带来的高工资工作。“

Rick A. Lott,植物城市市长表示,“植物城市兴高采烈地拥有我们社区的材料生命周期管理公司。先进的制造是我们所做的所有和MLMC的替代燃料产品,帮助我们变得不太依赖化石燃料。这是一个伟大的项目。“

Alan F. List, MD, chairman of the Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Corporation and president and CEO of Moffitt Cancer Center said, “Today’s modern manufacturing companies are developing technology that makes an impact worldwide, and MLMC Florida is no exception. We’re proud to include such an innovative and environmentally-friendly company like MLMC Florida to our local manufacturing industry, and we’re committed to helping them succeed here.”

植物城市经济发展公司董事长Keith C. Smith表示,“这对我们的社区来说是一个很大的胜利。植物城市EDC要感谢材料生命周期管理公司,以创造就业机会和投资植物城市。我们还感谢我们的许多合作伙伴,帮助实现它。“

