November 9, 2020


塔拉哈西,弗拉。(2020年11月9日)– Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced that $1,250,000 has been awarded through the Florida Defense Support Task Force (FDSTF) Grant Program to five projects to protect military installations across the state. The award recipients include the Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners, Clay County Development Authority, Polk County Board of County Commissioners, Orlando Economic Partnership and the South Florida Progress Foundation.

“这些赠款奖展示了佛罗里达州对我们国防社区的承诺的致力,”德国州长。“Florida continues to be the most military-friendly state in the country and supporting service members and their families is an honor and responsibility we hold high.”

“这些补助金反映了佛罗里达州的高水平融合社区与我们的军队有”佛罗里达州企业总裁兼首席执行官Jamal Sowell秘书。“作为一个海军陆战队的老兵,我很自豪地了解我的家国继续投资于为我们服务的人。”


Santa Rosa County: $70,000 Defense Grant

$70,000 was awarded to the Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners to develop and implement a Career Academy Outreach for Military Children. The program’s objectives are to support the military family through information dissemination, ensure military children are not missing opportunities in cutting-edge and relevant career and technical education, and to strengthen the partnership between military installations and Santa Rosa County School District. This project has implications to impact military families throughout North Florida.

“Santa Rosa County seeks out every opportunity to support the military mission at NAS Whiting Field as well as military installations in neighboring counties, which have a profound impact on our community. We are most appreciative of grant funding to allow us to enhance the quality of life for military families,”专员唐W.圣罗莎委员会委员委员。


$500,000 was awarded to Clay County through the Florida Defense Support Task Force Grant Program to buffer Camp Blanding from incompatible land development. Camp Blanding trains over 350,000 Florida National Guard troops, active duty military members and law enforcement units.

“In accordance with our principal purpose of promoting sound economic development of Clay County, the Clay County Development Authority is pleased to receive this grant that will strengthen the strategic partnership with Camp Blanding Joint Training Center to improve the quality of life for our citizens by securing a buffer from incompatible land development and encroachment thus protecting the installation that comprises almost one-fifth of the county and is tied to its economic viability.”说Josh Cockrell, Executive Director of the Clay County Development Authority.


$ 500,000被授予波尔克县委员会委员会,以保护AVON Park空军范围免受侵占侵犯保护地块来防止不相容的土地使用。

FormerAPAFR Commander Lt. Col. Daniel Edgar, 598th Range Squadron, “The importance of this grant and of partners like the Florida Defense Support Task Force and Enterprise Florida cannot be overstated. Without grant funding, without partnerships, we would not have been able to work with the County and willing landowners to protect and buffer the world-class military training that occurs at Avon Park AFR.”

Orange County: $110,000国防补助金


“佛罗里达州国防支持工作队的这一强烈支持承认奥兰多队,国家仿真中心和强大的经济引擎的杰出赛道记录,即是建模和仿真行业。我们很高兴与国家仿真伙伴合作,在使命的任务中的这一重要下一步中保存,保护和设定成长条件,“Tim Giuliani, President & CEO, Orlando Economic Partnership

Miami-Dade County: $70,000国防补助金


“我们为与南佛罗里达州的进步基金会合作,与州长Ron Desantis的一个问题对齐,这对我们的国家,国防部,海岸警卫队命令,装置和军事人员合作伙伴在南佛罗里达州的巨大重视。加强弹性的领导将最终为我们的安全,安全和经济繁荣全国提供福利。佛罗里达的军事和安全综合体对我们的国家安全至关重要。南佛罗里达防御联盟的市政和学术合作伙伴已经处于开发创新解决方案的最前沿,以实现一些最大的弹性挑战 - 他们的合作方法已成为全世界的模型。我们尤其兴奋地利用南佛罗里达州的着名公众,私人和非营利性部门专业知识,以便在当地支持国防部,因为它看起来更加有弹性的未来,并作为一个模范在整个国家复制,“南佛罗里达防御联盟执行董事Richard Miller。


The Florida Defense Support Task Force was created in 2011 with the mission to make recommendations to preserve and protect military installations, support the state’s position in research and development related to military missions and contracting, and improve the state’s military-friendly environment for service members, military families, veterans and businesses that bring military and defense-related jobs to the state.

佛罗里达防御支持工作队拨款计划由企业佛罗里达, and grants are awarded annually, on a project priority basis. For more information on the Florida Defense Support Task Force, visitwww.eflorida.com/floridadefense.


  • 佛罗里达防御支持工作队长,
  • Grants ,
  • Military and Defense