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T型he Legacy and Future of Florida’s High Tech Corridor

It can’t be described as the end of an era because the work Randy Berridge initiated is continuing unabated. Which is another testimony to the foresight of this visionary leader and evangelist of high tech development in Central Florida for over a quarter of a century.

他的遗产,佛罗里达高科技走廊(或走廊),一直是最突出的例子之一,当关键利益相关者专注于他们可以共同完成的事情,在一个协作的努力,而不是停留在自己的地理框孤岛。该走廊目前由该州经济发展工作的另一位资深人士和Berridge最亲密的同事Ed Schons领导,负责保持发展势头和重点。





T型he Corridor was founded over 20 years ago, with the initial objective to foster research and educational partnerships to retain a $1.4 billion, 1,500 job expansion from going offshore or relocating to another region. Berridge recalls the fortuitous crisis that gave genesis to the vision and the economic windfall that followed.

“UCF President John Hitt and then USF President Betty Castor made a commitment to AT&T, pledging the strength of the universities and actual financial resources, to help with the research the company needed,” Berridge explained. “That is where it all began, with Dr. Hitt and the alliances he forged with the other universities. Also, as he pondered the problem and possible solutions, he put forward the idea that this kind of research assistance shouldn’t be reserved to high profile, large corporations alone, but to smaller companies on the leading edge of innovation as well.”




BRIDGing the Gap

T型he link between the brain trust that research universities possess and the companies that bring their findings to market can’t be over emphasized. The examples would fill volumes, but to cite just two:

Melissa Kuchma的公司Revolution Medicine根据她在遗传学方面的研究,用数据武装患者,使他们在医疗保健方面积极主动。该公司开发了复杂的算法来分析每个客户的独特DNA图谱,并开发用户友好的报告,分享哪些药物最有效或最无效。这位创始人兼首席执行官在获得麻省理工学院(MIT)博士学位之前,曾在UF大学获得化学学士学位,并在UCF纳米科学技术中心任职,现在是UF健康癌症中心奥兰多健康中心(the UF Health Cancer Center Orlando Health)担任助理教授和研究科学家。谈到她的经历,“我真的看到了这项技术在哪里是有用的,对患者的生活产生了影响。”

T型he second highlights everyone’s awareness of the world’s demand for fast, affordable data, which companies like Google, Amazon, and Netflix all store and transmit vast amounts of every day. UCF researcher Dr. Sasan Fathpour, an optics and photonics associate professor, has worked on developing smaller more efficient optical modulators for fiber optic transmission. Working with Partow Technologies in Orlando and using a grant from The Corridor, Fathpour has made significant advances. “The technology we are developing allows us to reduce costs significantly, while at the same time achieving higher functionality,” Payam Rabiei, CEO of Partow Technologies said.

Perhaps, the most far reaching example of The Corridor’s impact is the advanced manufacturing research center in Osceola County, known as BRIDG (Bridging the Innovation and Development Gap). President Hitt commented, “UCF is working closely with The Corridor, Osceola County and others to establish BRIDG. We will play a key role in developing, testing and manufacturing the next generation of advanced sensors and smart fiber technology.” The success of a project of this magnitude is a testament to the partnerships and groundwork The Corridor and its key leaders have made over the last 21 years.

Staying on Target

“我们的使命宣言最初是由UCF的Dan Holsenbeck起草的,实际上多年来我们很少修改它。最初,它是“帮助我们地区吸引和保留高科技产业和劳动力来支持它,”Berridge解释说。“我们对它稍加改进,通过支持研究、营销、劳动力和企业家精神的伙伴关系来发展高科技产业和创新。”这是我们21年来所做的,我们将继续做的。”

T型he Corridor has helped facilitate the next step in the evolution of space flight and exploration, while also working to strengthen one of Florida’s most robust industries, financial services. Seeing the wave of entrepreneurial activity rolling over the state, it formed the Virtual Entrepreneur Center, to provide information, services and a relational link to entrepreneurs from Daytona to Tampa and all points north and south.


所有其他的愿望,因为他们已经发生of that one factor. At its foundation, that is what The Corridor has been focused on creating more meaningful and high paying jobs to diversify and bring opportunity to this economy. Frankly, Randy has been remarkable in that respect. I don’t have plans to alter or reinvent what he has done, but rather to keep us moving in the same direction.