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S.uneera Madhani’s Market Disruption

今天它是硅谷拉洛尔的一部分。史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克,后来将成为苹果计算机联合创始人的生活,前往他的雇主Hewlett Packard与二十世纪最革命性的发明之一,个人电脑。他在公司的监事没有考虑该产品有任何市场潜力。事实上,他们拒绝了他的音高五次。

S.urprisingly, this isn’t an isolated experience among successful entrepreneurs. They try to bring an innovative idea to the company they are working with, only to be met with disinterest or dismissiveness. Yet, for these intrepid individuals, that is often the catalyst for a profitable business endeavor. That is certainly the case with Suneera Madhani, the founder of Fattmerchant, who is revolutionizing the way the credit card processing industry has worked, up till now.


Madhani had been working for a merchant services company, basically the middleman in most credit card transactions, who are often accused of adding hidden fees, and arbitrarily raising their rates or holding their client’s hostage to contracts that can cost them substantial fines if they try to escape. She told Fast Company, after two years when she began noticing a high volume of complaints. “I wrote down every time a customer had a complaint,” she said. “It was always about transparency and simplicity, and even just consistency in what they were being charged.” This would become the Fattmerchant opportunity.

Life Lessons


However, the benefits of those formative experiences aren’t lost on her. “I learned to be charming,” she said. Madhani and her brother Sal, who is the co-founder of Fattmerchant, developed a knack for making friends and being comfortable in changing environments, “We learned to tackle the new school together,” she said. They are skills that have come in handy, as she raised money and developed her pitch with investors. Let’s face it, anyone who did cold calling at 15 while working at one of their father’s call centers would have a unique set of talents and experiences.


Corporate Blues


S.he left when an opportunity presented itself with a merchant services company, which she thought might be a great fit for her skill sets. “Six months in I hated it,” she confessed. “I asked myself, ‘Is there something wrong with me?’ or ‘Is there something wrong with this industry?’ and I realized it was the industry.” Madhani recognized the financial institutions were basically taking advantage of the small business owners. “We would promise things, but we didn’t deliver and the small business owner has no options,” she explained.

Then came the Wozniak moment. Madhani went to her bosses at the merchant services company and proposed an innovative new approach. Charge a flat subscription rate for processing cards and eliminate the labyrinth of fees. Madhani’s proposal was greeted with a similar lack of enthusiasm that innovators throughout history have faced, basically they responded, “Who is this 25-year-old upstart?”

The Why?



“我的一代人喜欢透明度,我们说,而不是收取所有这些可变成本,为什么我们不得每月收取一次会员费?”她问了事实上。这是她的兄弟Sal Rehfleullah,他在旧金山在旧金山在运营效率下工作,确认她的想法有价值 - “这在天才” - 并且他们应该开始自己的公司。“我们不仅想要简化该过程,而且还要为这些业主提供能够帮助他们发展业务的技术。”添加重点,“不,我的意思是没有商人说,”我喜欢我的商家服务提供商“,因为用户体验是如此否定。一旦客户登上,他们就被锁在一起,通常会沮丧。“




“我们与我们的客户的现有工具系统的工作原理and technologies or we can provide hardware and software, if you need to take Apple Pay or new chip cards, mobile payment processing, ecommerce or shopping carts. We are businesses’ one stop shop, for the company doing between $10,000 to $250,000 in transactions a month. We’re like Costco; you pay one price and you get everything we offer at wholesale prices. In the first year, we did $5 million in transactions, the second year $110 million or 2,000 percent and this year we should do $700 million and will continue to grow,” she said, as one could feel her enthusiasm growing like an evangelist in a tent meeting.