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3PLs Empower Companies of All Sizes

T.he market for third-party logistics (3PL) providers continues to grow, driven by the myriad services they offer that can help companies of all sizes manage increasingly complex and global supply chains. Several 3PL organizations are based in or have significant operations within the state of Florida.

预计美国第三方物流市场预计将从2016年的约1500亿美元增长到2022年的达2000亿美元,而全球市场将在2022年,全球市场见解报告中的价格为1万亿美元。“该行业肯定正在增长,并组合方式,”北美首席商务官Joe Puleo表示,DHL供应链说。Puleo表示,他的公司正在看到首次外包商的重大增加,以及现有客户的增长。

运营使公司能够专注于他们的核心竞争力,同时减少资本支出,管理库存和减轻风险。“– Arun Hegde, Head of Global Business Development,Global Market Insights

第三方物流(3PL)提供商可以提供的是多模式运输和/或运输管理,仓储,货运整合,订单履行等,如二级包装,如二级包装,说克里夫奥托,首席执行官与Saddle Creek物流服务,总部位于卢卡州Lakeland。基于资产的提供商使用自己的卡车和仓库,而作为非资产的合同提供服务,与第三方提供服务。“一个好的3PL应该真正能够处理供应链的任何和所有部分,从购买到最终交付时,”奥托说。

这是关键,因为很多船运公司和制造商基于“增大化现实”技术e looking to simplify and minimize the complexity inherent in extended, global supply chains, says Robert Doyle, president of Doyle Distribution and a board member of the International Warehouse Logistics Association. 3PLs that offer a range of services can help their clients remove cost and boost the efficiency of their supply chains.



资源3PLS可以提供​​,如战略位置,最先进的技术和行业专业知识,使他们能够提供“整体物流成本削减和服务改进”,总体质量物流总裁Kerry Byrne(TQL),运营七个佛罗里达州办事处。一家拥有单个仓库的公司只能通过自己的客户群划分仓库管理系统,叉车和物料处理设备的成本。一个制造相同投资的3PL可以将成本扩展到多个客户身上。

驻留在许多3PL中的专业知识可以帮助托运人降低成本和简化流程。例如,基于迈阿密的Ryder System,Inc。与客户合作,以​​削减从墨西哥带入美国所需的时间。“节省时间主要来自管理过程和安全的供应链,”国际供应链解决方案副总裁Gene Sevilla说。3PL可以利用通过美国和墨西哥海关提供的计划。其中包括对恐怖主义的海关贸易伙伴关系(C-TPAT)和Nuevo Esquema de Empresas认证,(Neec),墨西哥相当于C-TPAT。



Organizations can turn to 3PLs to assist their ecommerce operations. “To compete with the likes of Amazon, companies need to find ways to deliver quickly, cost-effectively and seamlessly. 3PLs can be a valuable resource in this regard,” Otto says. They can offer the supply chain visibility, automation, and distribution networks required to provide seamless service across all channels, he adds. For instance, the software used to manage omni-channel distribution must be able to handle orders ranging from full pallets going to businesses, as well as individual SKU’s destined for consumers.

Along with multinational enterprises, more mid-sized companies are engaging 3PLs, Sevilla says. Globalization plays a role; in 2015, some $147.4 billion in trade flowed through Florida’s airports and seaports, Enterprise Florida reports. As supply chains criss-cross the globe, managing them in-house can become less feasible. A smaller U.S.-based company with operations in Mexico may work with a 3PL to handle warehousing, cross-docking, international transportation and customs clearances, Sevilla says.

- 北美首席商务官Joe Puleo,DHL供应链

While Ryder concentrates its services in North America, when a shipper’s transportation requirements extend to other regions of the world, it will contract with local providers to provide transportation management services, Sevilla says. Ryder then oversees and manages the operations.
